Thursday, February 19, 2009


We were told this would happen, but I wasn't prepared for how fast it would come! Fotunately, it hasn't hit us yet. The other two Americans (McKenzie and Jessica) have the privilege of dealing with it first. They live right below us and McKenzie has been hearing scratching in the ceiling for the past two nights. Tonight, as they were sitting down for dinner they noticed the rodents had left many presents for them all over their plates and many other things. They have put rat poisoning everywhere you can think of. So what was my reaction? I put EVERYTHING in the refridgerator! That's right, bread, pasta, rice, tortillas, peanut butter, sugar, popcorn, poptarts, and cookies. Our refrigerator is very tiny, so this was hard to do, but I refuse to deal with rodents.

Stayed tuned to see if we get hit!

Other wonderfiul things we have to look forward to:
swarms of flies, giant, hairy spiders, and swarms of beetles!