Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Address

Hi Everyone! As we prepare for our trip, we wanted to give our contact information out to anyone who would like it. We will not know a cell phone number until we purchase a phone when we get down there, but we do have our mailing address:

For letters through the USPS
Steve English
c/o David Weber
Apdo. Postal 303
La Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Guatemala, Centroamérica

For items sent through FedEx, UPS, or other courier:
La Senda
c/o David Weber
Km. 41.5 Carretera Interamericana
Sumpango, Sacatpéquez
Guatemala, Centroamérica

Please pray for us as we anxiously await our trip. There is a lot to remember and prepare. Pray also that God would be preparing our hearts for what He has for us!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The First of Many

So we're bloggers. We thought we would set one up to share with everyone while we are in Guatemala rather than sending everyone e-mails. We figure this will be an easier way for us to update you on whatever comes while we are away. Who knows what this forum may contain in the near future? Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. We hope to update this often once we leave the States so you all can share in our experiences. We love you all.