Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We're right about at the midpoint of our time in Guatemala. It brings a mix emotions--even contradictory emotions. I can't believe it's already been two months. It sounds so much longer than it has felt. At the same time, I can't believe we have two more months until we get to see family and friends. Our moments of homesickness are coming much more often. In a random moment, I'll be struck with some little experience I can't wait for, like Fall. How stupid is that? I'm very much a Summer person. I've always complained about Winter, and I secretly want to punch people that say, "But aren't you glad you get to experience the seasons?" We've been here since February; we haven't even missed a Fall! But for some reason I can't wait.

Last week was Semana Santa (Holy Week) and Spring Break, and it was a nice halfway point. It was good to simply have a break, and my parents were also here. We spent a couple days in La Antigua, and a couple days here. It was so good to be with them. We had a blast showing them around and sharing some of our experiences with them (like riding in a chicken bus). It was great, too, to see them with the kids. They are fantastic parents, and it was fun to see them interact with the kids. It made me so thankful for them. I had almost forgotten how lucky I am to have such great parents. You would think that would be hard to do while helping in an orphanage, but such a man am I.

After my parents left, I had some time to reflect and look forward. We're so thankful for our first two months' worth of experience. We've been able to do things I've never imagined. For instance, I never thought I'd be able to read Jungle Book to a Guatemalan six-year-old taking a bath. I never thought I'd pray on a dark, quiet cliff while looking at a well lit city two miles in the distance on a nearby mountain. I never thought I would ride three-to-a-seat on a school bus again...with two grown Guatemalan men. I look back and think about how rich our experiences have been, and it makes me anxious for the next two months. We're refreshed and renewed.

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