Monday, March 9, 2009

Toast in a Frying Pan

So, after a month of being here I started to think that maybe I was such a healthy person that I wouldn't get sick. Boy, was I wrong! Dave and I spent most of the day on Saturday and part of the day on Sunday in Antigua this weekend. We love going here because it seems like such a safe place. We don't worry too much about getting robbed, where we are going to sleep at night, and most importantly the food we eat.

We are still careful and make sure not to drink the water and only drink out of glasses with ice cubes that have holes in them (for some reason those ice cubes are safe). We have actually sat down at a restaurant and left after seeing how the food is cooked. We haven't been stupid. But, you cannot control everything.

We got back to our place in the early afternoon on Sunday and I felt fine. We ate a really light lunch before we left Antigua and got so busy doing other things that we didn't even think about eating dinner until about 7:30. We both heated up some leftover lasagna, but my body was telling me not to eat it. Good thing I didn't! From about 8pm last night until 5:30am I was waking up about every half hour. I won't go into details, but it was an awful night!

There are a few things that my mother has given me since childhood to eat and drink when I am sick. I continue to need those things now as an adult! I need ginger ale, campbell's chicken noodle soup, and toast. Well, it's not like Dave can just go to the grocery store and get me ginger ale, plus I don't think they even have it here! I had some noodles and chicken broth, so I thought I would just cook the noodles in the broth and make due with what I had. I thought that canned goods don't expire, but something was definately wrong with my chicken broth. It was black and smelled horrible! So, ginger ale and chicken soup were out. Toast was my only option, except we don't have a toaster! I resorted to cooking toast in a frying pan. It did not turn out to be the comforting food I had wanted it to be. Toast in a Frying Pan just doesn't hit the spot when you are sick!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, I just read some of your posts and can relate greatly. Keep up the good work. We eat toast out of the frying pan on a regular basis. There is not good source of milk here, so toast is a good option no matter how we have to cook it. I think we may take your idea of having kids for dinner, though it will be hard to figure out which ones come. God Bless your work. Matt and Brecka
